»Was wären wir ohne uns«, photo by: SWR-Archiv

Was wären wir ohne uns
Wolfgang Menge’s 4-parter
set in the period of 1950, '51, '52, '53
in Stuttgart
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
director: Ulrich Schamoni
costume design

Tale of an Unkown
based on the novel of Anton Tschechow
set in the period of 1893, Russia
SWF Baden-Baden, Vienna, Venedig
director: Peter Vogel
costume design

Lady of the Camellias
based on the novel of Alexander Dumas
set in the period of 1848, Paris and surroundings
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
writer and director: Tom Toelle
main cast: Erika Pluhar, Klaus Hoffmann, Friederich v. Thun, Tatjana Iwanow, Sky Dumont, Gerd Westphal

location: Stuttgart, Bordeau and Département Loir-et-Cher (France)
costume design

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